After reviewing a recent Coaching Obesity Article it talked about looking beyond what eyes see, American Fitness Magazine, October 2011 issue, . It's a hard to classify yourself as either "Overweight or Obese", yet 66.3% is the newest percentage of adults that claim that title in the United States according to the article. There is more that meets the eye to someone who is struggling with this ever-so-growing issue. So how do you know if you are classified as one of the OO's? BMI, although not a perfect method for judging someone's classification, is often a good way to check - it's also a good meter stick on how kid are growing too. Because BMI doesn't directly measure body fat, some people, such as muscular athletes, may have a BMI in the obese category even though they don't have excess body fat. * See below to find your BMI
So after finding your personal BMI, you might have just realized something you weren't ready to handle or see...let's say you thought you were in the normal range and it reads you are overweight. Or, you knew you were overweight, but it reads you are obese...does this change the way you feel? If you are classified as one of the OO's, chances are there are feelings of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, poor body image and low self-esteem according to American Fitness Magazine - yikes, that's a lot to take in. Adding insult to injury this article goes on to read that obese individuals contend with marginalization and anti-fat bias and stereotypes. I think we can all agree we see this in our day and age more than we would like to.
Again, there is more that meets the eye with an individual who is struggling with the modern conveniences we all share and love. If you are not in this category, you might want to keep reading. Chances are you are close to someone who needs your support more than ever. These feelings listed above can be a daily jail cell withholding someone from what God is calling them to. We all need to look past the outer shell. God gave us each unique personalities, giftings and callings. We are all equal in God's eyes and not one is better than the other. God loves you and He loves me, unconditionally, no matter how skinny, fat, hairy or bald we are or become. We all have value and all are loved by our Creator more than we can imagine. After all, God is LOVE!
Looking past the outer shell is hard to do, but there is more to looking past it, we have to deal with it - and that is very hard to do. Overweight and obese individuals have a strong uphill battle. I once heard a friend describe obesity as "every cell in my body was screaming FEED ME!". Not only are there individual hurts and inward struggles, there are inward physical hardships.
As if feeling outcast wasn't enough, the real issue is their mortality. It is the second leading cause of preventable death (after smoking), and is associated with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, gallstones, and certain types of cancer. It lessens the quality of life and hinders energy and productivity - double whammy. So why is this habit so hard to kick? Because our food source is so rich in toxic addictions! I can honestly say I love to go out and eat garlic-buttered fresh bread - it's addictive, I think I could down 8 breadsticks easy at Olive Garden - which is the problem. God can help us overcome through many different ways, but we have to be ready to give it over to Him - completely!
Are there addictions in your life that are too hard to handle yourself? Anything popping in your mind that is withholding YOU from moving forward with God's calling on YOUR life? Is there anything you can think of that you could leave at the feet of Jesus right now?
If not, think hard and pray hard, I bet you will be surprised at how much luggage you might want to drop off...
See where you fall with your BMI (Body Mass Index) using the formula below, however, it is much easier to find a free BMI calculator on a web site.BMI Categories:
- Underweight = <18.5
- Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
- Overweight = 25–29.9
- Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
* BMI Calculator: weight in pounds Divided by height in inches squared multiplied by 703
So basically all you need to do is write down your weight then write down your height in inches squared (example : 60 inches multiplied by 60 inches equals height squared in inches for someone 5 feet tall . )Take your weight and divide it into your height in inches squared . Then take that number and multiply it by 703 .
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