DAY FOUR: 21 Day Nutrition Challenge

DAY FOUR:  21 Day Nutrition Challenge

No matter how bleak things may seem - attitude is everything!

Sometimes I just it's going to be a bad day.  It's not that everyone in the house rolled out of bed on the wrong side. It's as if they never even went to bed.  This morning wasn't a stellar moment in our household - a morning you don't want to repeat.  I won't bore you with details, but I will say, I didn't help the morning go better.

I decided to sleep in a little longer than normal - which ends up rushing everyone else int he house, but it was cloudy, a bit rainy, and chilly - perfect conditions for a little extra R&R.  However, I wasn't able to get 'my time' in before I woke up the kids. My time in the morning changes frequently, but right not it consists of; getting ready for the day, enjoying a hot cup of coffee, listening to or reading through a Bible plan, and some quality praying. The only thing that happened this morning was getting ready for the day...and a lot of complaining. 

My attitude was completely off, and so was everyone else's.  When mom's not spot on, usually things crumble quickly.  My comfort of staying in bed for those measly little minutes, stole my joy in the minutes to follow. our nutrition, eh?  When we eat that snack, or sweet delectable, and then maybe another, and yet another, we can quickly get off our goal as well.  An entire week's work of caloric burning can be erased in those measly little minutes. Ask God to help you not go there.  Pray for strength to not engage in something you know will sabotage you later.  God can turn your attitude into something much better, if you connect with Him first in your day. 

Here's the Nutrition Line Up for today:
Breakfast: Smoothie; almond milk, chia seeds, milled flax, whey protein, kale, blueberries, strawberries, 1/2 banana
Snack: almonds
Lunch: doing a power salad again (not bored of it yet!): kale & spinach, baby carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, hard boiled egg, red onions, with a green apple, hamburger and calico beans.
Snack: celery and 'Everything' humus
Dinner: Tuna and whole grain noodles, broccoli, baby carrots
Snack; hard boiled egg...and maybe some popcorn!

1 Corinthians 10:13 
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. 
God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, 
but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, 
that you may be able to endure it.


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