DAY TWO: 21 Day Nutrition Challenge

 21 Day Nutrition Challenge
Mine is C: Super Vegetable Challenge

Question for the day "WHY are you doing this challenge?"  Think about the real reason behind the question.  Then I want you to share below - because this will add accountability and clarity to your challenge.  I'll go first:

I'm doing this challenge to arm myself with veggies FIRST, instead of things I don't really want to eat, but do anyways because I'm hungry, bored, or rushed.  

 I don't take vitamins because I try to get all mine from actual food. I know some people can't eat as well due to life style, however, that is also what makes this a challenge! 

One of my personal goals within this challenge is to also get the full rainbow of colors with veggies every day. I will try hard to do it, but not all colors are available yet in the stores, and my garden isn't quite up and growing yet.

Regardless what your challenge(s) are, we are all doing this together. Let me know how you are doing.

When starting anything, the first few days seem to go well...then the body can revolt and bad habits can creep back in.  Get a verse to say out loud and read and believe it!

Here's the Nutrition Line Up for today:
Breakfast: Omelette; 2 egg, 1 egg white, spinach, green pepper, red onions, tomatoes, and avocado to top it off.
Snack: banana, small potato with steamed broccoli
Lunch: Tortilla soup; tomatoes, onions, chicken, black beans, corn and some spices - with corn tortillas - a little fat-free sour cream. Small red apple.
Snack: homemade protein bar
Dinner: Spaghetti; turkey sausage, with diced tomatoes, white onions, kale, and carrots. Served on spaghetti squash.
Snack; Celery and peanut butter - possibly cottage cheese

Before you go, write your WHY - your reason for doing your 21 day challenge either on facebook or below.

1 Corinthians 10:13 

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. 
God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, 
but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, 
that you may be able to endure it.


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