DAY SEVEN: 21 Day Nutrition Challenge

DAY SEVEN:  21 Day Nutrition Challenge
One week into the challenge - are you keeping up, holding strong to your goal?  We have 2 weeks left in this challenge.  Even if you fell off the wagon for a day or so, today is a new day, rely on God and ask Him for strength!

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places..." Ephesians 6:10

In the last post I talked about our enemy and the war on our health.  Our enemy, Satan, whispered and deceived Eve with his selfish rebellion of the 'I' (that she doesn't need God's wisdom).  This was of ultimate deception because sin’s ruinous consequence became universal; no one was excluded.  You and I from birth were grandfathered into this self-serving “I” which is why we long to fulfill the desires of the flesh and eat lots and lots of chocolate.  This moment in time placed all of creation at odds with God and its self.  This spiritual unrest opened the door to a great decline that has a center bulls eye on our health today.  You are invited to this war and are smack in the middle of it regardless if you accept the invitation. 

The physical earth, our home, became a dying world that ailed and aged animals, plants and all living things - including us. That’s right, without the fall we would not have wrinkles! Instead of a thriving living world, it became one with deception, disease, and death.  This spiritual unrest granted ramifications on our physical bodies of more than just wrinkles though.  It filled us with emotional plagues and generated battlefields raging with mental and emotional attacks such as pride, jealousy, and relationship fall-outs (as immediately seen with Cane and Able in the first murder).  It gave birth the war on our health, all perpetuated by the enemy’s deceitful whisper that anchored in the open ear of one who listened. 

Our health is being attacked daily (sometimes hourly).  Some of us find it hard to finish a 21 day nutrition challenge because the inner pull to go against the challenge can seem too strong at times.  We must ask God to fight the behind the scenes war for us.  We can't rely on pure will power alone to fight and win our battles.  He will make a way where there seems to be no way. 

I don't know about you, but I get super excited knowing the God of angle armies is on my side!


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