Belly Bulge Test Group

Belly Bulge Test Group:
THIS TEST GROUP IS CURRENTLY FULL, please check back soon for the next one.

“Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.”
Thomas S. Monson. 

If you haven't emailed me, please do so I can send you the initial info. Once you receive the initial info and choose your belly type, I'll email out your packet.  You will have until May 15th to complete the task. If you first don't succeed, try again.  You have time.  You can start anytime during the month, just leave yourself plenty of time to finish by the deadline.

(This Test Group doesn't have to stop with your short 3-12 day test.  You can continue on with and also report back to me your progress during the long haul!)

Let's do this ladies!  Get down to the root and cut it off. 
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." - Romans 12:12


  1. I know this will be hard, but I am ready! I will need encouragement, but I know I can do this!

  2. I'm one of the women waiting to hear from you. I'll send another email right now. I too am ready to begin the program and get fit and fabulous!

  3. I am trying to start today and I have only actually consumed 1 added sugar, but with carrots, orange, and baked potato it said I have 19 sugars on fitness pal. So am I doing it wrong or does it count natural sugars?

  4. @ Anonymous: DOn't worry about total sugars for your day if you are not eating added sugars. Your goal is to not eat "added". You can still consume natural sugars found in your foods. So, if you only ate 1g of added sugars, that is well below 20g of "added" sugars - way to go!

  5. Starting today also. For the past 2 weeks I have been walking about 2 miles at around a 14:30-15 min pace. I don't consider that "high intensity", but I do work up a sweat. I do it when I know I have the time to after I drop my girls off at school, it's not always a scheduled event. Should I slow down, or is it an okay exercise to continue?

  6. @ Chris & Vanessa: It all depends on your personal level of exercise. Are there hills or is it all flat? I would make it a schedule and stick to it. Makes some goals like:
    - Shoot for 4-5 days per week for the next 2 weeks.
    - See if you can beat your time every day even if by a second.
    - Find a friend who is a fast walker and talker.
    - Add some stretching, half way through add a few lunges or squats, etc.

  7. Florida flatness. :-) I have increased my pace each time (my own goal, yay!), and I went a little further also. I will pause for some stretching, or do some lunges if I'm on a quiet street. :-)

    The hardest part so far is limiting added sugars and caffeine. More the sugars, because WOW. But I drink soda often (diet), so I have just decided to not drink them at all during this. It has increased my water intake, so that's another plus!

    1. Great to hear you are drinking more water! Diet pop has other issues with it, good thing to get off it. You can also try intervals where you go a little faster for a length of time then sow your pace back to normal. This will also help with losing calories and build a stronger heart.

  8. Ok, I'm on day 5 and I am struggling. I have stayed true to food and exercise plan and lost 3 lbs and notice a pleasant difference in my tummy, but I am craving sweets not on the list. I'm not sure I can go more than 6 days.


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